Annual Plan 2020

Starting this year, we have decided to publish an annual plan in order show what we’re working on, what we aim to achieve and to help you – our community – to get involved. Since this is our very first public version, we’re more than happy to hear your feedback and learn how we might improve accessibility and comprehension.
Open Annual Plan 2020
Our annual plan 2020 is set up as an Open Google Sheet. Within this document you can find:
- one tab called [09.01.20] to which we wont apply any more changes during the year and
- one tab [living] that we will continuously update and complement.
Alternatively, you can find the annual overview above as jpeg (status: 09.01.2020), or as pdf. You can also reach out to us via if you want the document in another format.
Our Highlights & Priorities 2020
We are very much looking forward to the many and diverse projects coming up in 2020. Special highlights for us are:
- The launch of the Prototype Fund Switzerland: We’ve been aspiring to implement a local version of the Prototype Fund Germany since their start in 2016. This year we can finally start supporting local open-source projects here in Switzerland with the aim of strengthening democratic participation. Our call for projects will start on March 17.
- A new awareness campaign about the value of data: We want to strengthen awareness and understanding for data in Switzerland in order to get more people involved in shaping our (digital) future. You will soon hear more about this initiative.
- Taking our Open Hackdays to the next level: As Hackdays become more and more popular, it is important to us to define our Hackdays’ values, open up our guidelines and improve our infrastructure. Thereby we hope to improve your Hackdays experience and increase our impact. If you want to get involved in this endeavour, please reach out to us.