Annual Report 2019 + Other News
Next to the annual plan, which we want to publish every year from now on, we have decided to create an annual report in order to present in a concisive form what we have achieved in the past year. We had the report ready since February, but due to the current circumstances, we have almost […]
#VersusVirus Hackathon
Dear friends of open data, From 3 April to 5 April, over a period of 48 hours, Swiss civil society came together to use their collective intelligence, inspiration and knowledge to come up with concrete solutions to the problems caused by the COVID19 pandemic crisis. The result was «the biggest sharing and caring experience that […]
What to Do in a Lockdown
Dear Friends of open data With the recent lockdown, the Coronavirus impacts all of our lives. Some of you we are sure, are feeling the negative repercussions very strongly and our hearts go out to you. But as with everything else, there is also a small silver lining. Whether the daily commute falls away because […]
Annual Plan 2020
Starting this year, we have decided to publish an annual plan in order show what we’re working on, what we aim to achieve and to help you – our community – to get involved. Since this is our very first public version, we’re more than happy to hear your feedback and learn how we might […] Forum: Rück- und Ausblick
Wir haben das Forum am 4. Juli in Bern-Wankdorf im Format einer “Unconference” durchgeführt. Das Format hat es uns ermöglicht, vielfältige Informationen von unseren Teilnehmenden zu erhalten. Interessen, Erfahrungen und Feedbacks Fragen, Bedürfnisse, Themen und Herausforderungen Unsere nächsten Schritte Engagiere dich für die Ziele des Forums Visuelle Erinnerungen Interessen, Erfahrungen und Feedbacks 106 Teilnehmende […]