Last days to register for the Tourism Hackdays 2021!
Take part and support innovation for tourism in Switzerland: help bring one of our 13 data based and non-data based challenges forward! Hackathons are always a chance to meet like minded-people, sharpen your skills and think about new concepts for this dynamic and growing industry. So be part of it: Register until the 18th of […]
Learnings at the Prototype Fund
Six months to develop a prototype to increase political participation in Switzerland. A daunting task. Who has accepted the challenge? 24 highly motivated people are currently tackling this endeavor in five project teams. A few months into the program, it is time to look back. How did we fare? Get to know the key learnings […]
Shape My City – Lucerne, the Results!

Almost in one breath following the Smart city Lab Lenzburg, we were happy to support the student team of the Master of Applied Information and Data Science at the HSLU in their organization of the Shape My City Hackdays – Luzern, a Hackathon revolving around smart city projects for Lucerne and its inhabitants. Around 110 […]
Smart City Lab – Lenzburg 2020, the results!

And there it went!In the beautiful Aula Blecherain, blended by the October sun, the organizing committee gathered and broadcasted the announcements of the challenges to be worked upon during the Smart City Lab Lenzburg. Meant to take place on site, this collaborative ideation-workshop about the future of how to live together, took place online. An […]
Smart Cities on the Rise
Cities take their innovation into their own hands! Three online hackathons in a row, tackling different aspects of urban life at different cities scales, show us how smart cities will be developed locally, by and for their inhabitants, with Open Data as raw material for reflection and solutions. The first hackathon, Smart City lab Lenzburg, […]