Board Meeting October 7th 2014
• André, Sylke, Muriel, Matthias, Hannes, Antoine, Oleg, Andreas (Protocol), Christian
• Yann, Barnaby
• Giorgio, Mehdi
1. Board Organisation (Roles)
• President: André
• Vicepresident: Hannes
• Treasurer: Barnaby
• Actuary: Christian
• Communication (first contact for externals, dispatcher to respective board member): Muriel
• Community & Hackdays Infrastructure: Oleg
• Politics: Matthias
• no special role: Sylke, Antoine, Andreas, Yann, Giorgio, Mehdi
2. Website (Content)
• Muriel coordinates content update of (s. 4. below)
• André and Antoine request making “Vorstand” a top level navigation point
3. Board Meetings
• Regular Meeting:
◦ generally on the 1st Tuesday of every month on Skype
◦ exchange of information and coordination of activities, urgent issues; max. 1 hour 30
• Board retreat:
◦ two (ev. three) times a year
◦ face-to-face, strategic issues, 3 to 4 hours
◦ André makes a doodle to define two dates
• Tools:
◦ for protocols: Google Docs
◦ for tasks:
4. Exchange of information
• Events calendar (external communication)
◦ Hannes and Muriel check how to display and curate a simple list of our own events
• Conversation around the “Romandie Relaunch” points on Trello, tasks attribution
• roles and online bios of board
◦ Muriel DE
◦ Muriel draft FR, correction by Mehdi
• Other topics: to be discussed in a meeting in which Mehdi, Yann (and Giorgio..) are present, too! Muriel to organize it, Antoine takes part as well. meeting at EPFL.(probably evening of 28.10.2014)
• Board meeting protocols: we make them public from today on
5. Varia
• Branding (“” and/or “Open Knowledge”) topic is on the agenda for next board retreat
• Fundraising: Hannes calls for ideas, and the topic is on the agenda for next board retreat
• Event “Open Research Data: the Future of Science”, Oct. 28th, EPFL
• Event “La Géoinformation pour tous” (Trello), Oct. 28th, EPFL
• Open Data Vorlesung Uni Bern ab 19. Februar 2015
• Event Hackathon (Trello), Bern, February 27-28, 2015
◦ Oleg informs about planning; is going to provide the board with info about it on trello
• Oleg proposes: Open Energy Data Hackathon (Trello), March 2015
◦ Declined running official MAKE event due to a full calendar
• Event “Open Science/Research Data Hackday”, May 2015
◦ André is checking for date and locations (FORS Lausanne, dhLab Basel)
• Event “ 2015” Conference, Bern, July 1st, 2015
• Event “Wahlen 2015 MAKE”, NZZ & Le Temps, September 2015