Forum Call for Sessions

Veröffentlicht von am Aug 2, 2021 in Bern, Daten, Forum | Keine Kommentare Forum is all about openness – and we love living our mission! For this year’s forum (which is happening IRL) we’re inviting our ecosystem to host a session during the day. This can be a short workshop, a discussion round, a fireside chat, a think-lab session, or a presentation – the format is up […]

Open Data Stories 2019/20

Veröffentlicht von am Aug 11, 2020 in Allgemein, Daten | Keine Kommentare

Before and during the Forum we asked you to submit your open data success stories and failures. We think it is important to collect and publish these stories to show what our community has been up to, to reflect upon the successes to realise how far we have come and to think about our […]