Let’s Hack
Spring is waking us up from our winter-lockdown-sleep and our minds are ready for action. Join us for one (or more) of our hackdays. Whether you’re interested in culture, tourism, journalism, energy, climate, farming, or sports, or if you’re just a fan of open data, we have a hackathon planned for you.

HSLU Open Data Tourism Hackdays – Wed. 28th to Thu. 29th of April
During this event, the tourism industry takes the chance to tackle its structural issues and to recognize unexploited potentials. We would be delighted to see you there and build upon the findings of the past years. So please take part! The challenge presentations & Team building session took place on Wednesday 21st of April at 17.00, see the Challenge pitches here and Sign up now!

The Rethink Journalism Hackathon – Fri. 7th to Sat. 8th of May (online)
Over the past decades, journalism has been continuously reinventing itself. Small and innovative media establishments charge into battle for attention and users. Come and join us in the quest to stimulate and promote progressive journalism. Help us in the fight against fake news and hate speech. Be part in overturning information monopolies and join to re-shape the future of journalism. Sign up now!

The “Energy & Climate Hacks” – Tue. 31st August to Wed. 1st of September 2021.
Cities are responsible for 70% of the planet’s carbon dioxide emissions and they play a central role when it comes to efforts on global decarbonisation and pushing forward the local energy transition. In the lead-up to the global climate conference COP26 in Glasgow, a two-day hackathon will bring together young talents, pioneers, innovators, and companies from Switzerland and the UK to tackle these important challenges. Sign up now!.
….Save the dates
– The Open Farming Hackdays 2021 will take place from Fri. 3rd to Sat. 4th of September 2021
– The Open Energy Data Hackdays 2021 are announced from Fri. 24th to Sat. 25th of September 2021
– The Smart City/Region Lab – Lenzburg – 2021 is very likely to take place in October 2021
– The HSLU – Open Data Sports Hackdays are scheduled from Fri. 26th to Sat. 27th of November 2021
And…the one you missed…:

GLAMhack 2021 hosted by the ETH Library in Zurich – Fri. 16th to Sat. 17th of April (online)
Once a year, the GLAMhack experiments how cultural data and content can be used for research purposes, for web and mobile apps, in the context of Wikipedia, for artistic re-mixes, or for other forms of re-use. This year, our hackathon will take place online. There will be an onboarding session on 9 April (evening) and an opening event with presentations, workshops, and a poetry slam performance on April 15th. Sign up now!